Monday, July 28, 2008

Yet another search engine (YASE)

We should seriously start considering hosting a site called which lists a list of available search engines, link to their sites and what differentiates it from the rest of their peers. There is a new search engine around the block called cuil (http// Initially i thought it was the tamil world "kuyil" spelt in a cool way, but apparently its supposed to be pronounced as "cool" in a much cooler way.

This site, launched by ex-googlers is supposed to have indexed through a much larger set of pages than google currently does and also faster than google. I tried out a couple of searches though and i found that google gave me much more satisfactory results than cuil did.
Maybe its still catching up with the search algorithms and in the future would be considered as a serious competitor with google.. But for now, i am satisfied with googling for stuff on google! ;-)

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